Saturday, February 2, 2013

Perfect Pumps to Pump You Up

It's that time in life that everyone dreads, job interviews. Whether it's for your first job, for a career change, for advancement, or for a curve ball that life has thrown at you, job interviews will always have that unnerving quality. The time frame for an interview can be anywhere from less than 3 minutes or more than 3 hours. The method can range from over the phone, paper and pencil test, or face to face with a panel of interviewers. The time and methods differs greatly, but whether its long or short and personal or impersonal, you will still be trying to communicate with someone who is judging you.

In a situation where you know you are being judged, first impressions can be critical. The interviewer is already creating an opinion before the first words come out of your mouth. (As they say, it is far easier to create an opinion than to change it.) In social psychology the terminology would be a “Cognitive Schema.” Every day we experience so many things and for our brains to process things quickly, it organizes the information into Schemas. A schema can be rigid or flexible, but they form about people, events, roles, and about yourself. Essentially, a schema is just the grouping of information based on the experiences of each individual person. Just as no individual is the same, no schema is exactly the same.

Now I'll get back to the first impressions. Dressing the part creates the air of professionalism. The interviewer knows nothing about you, but from your appearance they can link back to a schema about people they have previously met. Do you come across as someone who will put the same effort into the job as you do into your appearance?

The pictures are of Ann Taylor's Perfect Leather Pumps. These pumps are simple and accent all your feminine qualities. In addition, like all heels they create the illusion of longer, slimmer legs, smaller feet and greater height. They not only create the air of professionalism, but can give you that extra boost of confidence as you walk through those intimidating doors to face those intimidating eyes.

On another note, rounded toes or pointed toes for pumps? Toe cleavage or no toe cleavage? I guess that depends on the clothes pairing and the type of interview.
The collection and experiences continues to grow...

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